About Nairn

Nairn Kennedy is a Leeds-based poet whose work has appeared in Orbis, Ink Sweat & Tears, The London Magazine, Stand, The North, Spelt, 14 Magazine and Under the Radar. He’s won second prize in the Ilkley Literature Festival Competition, been longlisted in the National Poetry Competition, and highly commended in the Bridport, amongst others.

When he’s not writing poetry, he likes to read, develop software and drink more tea than is good for him.

Ursus Maritimus

Strangely, stealth’s my thing.
No trees to lurk behind out there.
I’m stark and sun-bright on the brilliant

snow, a white ball on the billiard-table ice, where
I can sniff a seal a mile away, tiptoe like a gently
drifting heap of flour, a bear who isn’t there.

I finish in a sudden rush at twenty
miles per hour, a hundred stone
of flying fur. I find that’s plenty.

I can be delicate and patient, too, honing
skills like Georgian ladies at their needlework;
I lie by the smell of a seal near an ice-hole;

wait till it surfaces, make short work
of its head, JCB it with a paw, 
wipe my bloodied muzzle, lurk

again. I can take on any creature, all
the white-rimmed world, except this stealthy shrinking
of the ice, this sudden spectre of a thaw.

Commended in the Magma poetry competition, 2021