About Nairn

Nairn Kennedy is a Leeds-based poet whose work has appeared in Orbis, Ink Sweat & Tears, The London Magazine, Stand, The North, Spelt, 14 Magazine and Under the Radar. He’s won second prize in the Ilkley Literature Festival Competition, been longlisted in the National Poetry Competition, and highly commended in the Bridport, amongst others.
When he’s not writing poetry, he likes to read, develop software and drink more tea than is good for him.
Because I Could not Stop for Death
There he is, three behind me in the queue
at Sainsbury’s, hiding his Corvette radiator
grin, eyeing up Mrs Lucas like a maturing Stilton,
not yet quite ripe. See you on Monday, he whispers,
but she doesn’t hear. She’s buying chocolate buttons
for the grandchildren, who always come on Tuesdays.
Sometimes he drives behind me on the M42, hugging
the tail-lights, until he pulls out to fasten on a red Ferrari
in the outside lane. Sometimes he’s relaxing
in my car’s back seat, bony knees crossed, saying
Carry on—I only want a lift to Tamworth Services.
Last month he moved into a house along the street,
where I often pass him digging in his garden, give him
a friendly wave. He always smiles, then checks his watch.